Build & Organize
Winning your vote is a sustained effort. Your vote is won every day at your front desk, in your building, on your web site and through strategic communications and outreach with your community.
As you think about winning your vote you will need to become strategic. Begin by assessing how many votes it will take to win.
Create a List of Patrons [MHLS Knowledge Base]
Request a list of registered voters in your service area from the county Board of Elections
Columbia County
Dutchess County
Greene County
Putnam County
Ulster County
Voter Know-How
NYS Board of Elections
Qualifications to Register to Vote
How and Where to Register to Vote
Absentee Voting
Stakeholder Analysis Worksheet [MHLS]
What Should I Be Doing? Clarifying Roles of Campaign Team [MHLS]
Campaign Development Worksheets [MHLS]: Timeline & Campaign Team